Buying things at the thrift store is a good way to save some money. However, buying certain second-hand items can put your safety at risk and may even cost you more money on repairs and safety scale. Read on to know the used items you should stay away from at thrift stores.


Mattresses are the first things you shouldn’t buy at thrift stores as they may be infested with bugs or other icky insects invisible to the eye. These microscopic creatures hiding in the mattress for a long time may cause harm to you or your house guests. It is always better to buy a brand new mattress to guarantee its cleanliness and safety for your family.


Since laptops can be carried or placed anywhere, they may dropped, spilled on, or even get viruses. Also, it’s hard to tell if the laptop you’re buying is in good condition since the owner is selling it out. Better buy a new one since new laptops have warranty, guaranteed to be in good condition, and come in low prices too.

Swimsuits or Undergarments

Beachwear and underwear are extremely personal products and have been used to cover some private parts. While it doesn’t really cause too much risk on you, it is uncomfortable knowing that they have been worn by another person you don’t actually know.

Makeup or Cosmetics

Makeup or cosmetics are another personal items you shouldn’t buy at thrift stores. Makeup brushes may come into contact with damaged or irritated skin and can‘t  be cleaned very well. Barely used pressed powder or lipstick may also be hosting bacteria and can damage or irritate your skin. It is always better to buy these items at drug stores or makeup stores since they offer fresh, new, and varieties that will fit your skin type.

Other items you shouldn’t  buy at thrift stores are helmets, hat, shoes, Plasma TV, and second-hand possessions that you are never sure of the quality or condition. It’s always better to take into account of the products’ quality than just being concern about saving a few bucks but can cost you big on the safety scale.

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