Herbs are among the most important ingredients in cooking that your kitchen should always have. These staples are remarkable as they don’t just add flavor to the food you cook, they also add nutrients to every dish.

Here are some facts about the herbs you commonly have at home.


Oregano is also known as the “pizza herb” since it is ordinarily used in pizza recipes. It helps lower blood cholesterol levels and is proven as a super “functional food” because of various nutritional facts. Oregano is one of the healthy Mediterranean diet foundation bases.

Below are nutrient facts you can get from a 100 g of oregano herb:

Dietary fiber - 107%

Folates - 69%

Pyridoxine - 93%

Vitamin C - 83%

Vitamin A - 230%

Vitamin K - 518%

Iron - 550%

Manganese - 203%

Carotene-ß - 4112 mcg.


Basil provides better tasting and smelling food. It’s oil have antibacterial essential features, thus making it a great aid for fighting flu, colds, and herpes viruses. Its leaves can also be used for wounds to reduce infections.

Below are nutrient facts you can get from a 100 g of basil herb:

Vitamin A - 175%

Vitamin K - 345%

Vitamin C - 30%

Copper - 43%

Iron - 40%

Magnesium - 16%

Manganese - 57%

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